Meet the Artist

Meet the Artist: Margie Ratliff

December 14, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Location: Utah Film Center

An in-person focused conversation with the Producer and key participant of the documentary SUBJECT.

We will explore the responsibility inherent in documentary filmmaking, particularly the impact on documentary participants. Through prompts and dialogue, we will examine our own projects, approaches, ideas and values around ethical and accountable documentary filmmaking.

For filmmakers and Artist Foundry members.

Catch the full film the night before (Nov. 13th) at the Through the Lens screening at the City Library. RSVP here.

Margie Ratliff

Margie Ratliff is a producer and key participant of the film Subject, where she examines her participation in the 2018 Netflix true-crime documentary, The Staircase. She is also the Managing Director of the Documentary Participants Empowerment Alliance (DPEA), which aims to bring mental health, legal, counseling, advocacy, and mentorship resources to past, present, and future documentary participants. After receiving her MFA from Columbia College Chicago in documentary filmmaking, she has worked at companies such as The Gersh Agency and Imaginary Forces in Los Angeles. Margie is a globally based independent Producer/Director of documentary films, marathon runner, and passionate traveler of the world. Her dream is to be able to speak at least ten languages.

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