
Workshop – Camera Packages: Design, Prep, and Operation

February 4, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: Utah Film Center
$50, Artist Foundry Members receive a discount

This craft-focused workshop, co-presented by the Artist Foundry and CAMERAJACK, will help you get familiar with industry standard camera equipment functions and interoperability for different use cases. We will learn and practice with cameras, lenses, microphones, follow focus, matte boxes, filters, and other support and accessories. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hone your camera skills!

CAMERAJACK is a full service camera and production rental company located inside Redman Movies & Stories. To learn more visit:

  • The cost of this workshop is $50.
  • Artist Foundry members receive a 50% discount – see member portal for code.
  • Due to generous grant funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (brought to us by the Salt Lake Mayor’s Office of Economic Development), we were able to provide scholarships through August 31st, 2024 for Salt Lake City residents with additional workshop discounts during their 1-year free membership. If you participated in this scholarship program, reach out to for a full 100% discount.

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